What is Light Language?

Light Language or what is more accurately referred to as Soul Language/Sound Codes and Telepathic Frequency Communication, is the energetic facilitation of moving or attuning vibrational frequency with intention through sounds and/or frequencies, which is Universal Multi-dimensional Communication. This is done through the use of Vocal Sound or Frequency, oftentimes accompanied by spontaneous physical hand movements and gestures (also known as mudras), and in many cases through the expression of written intentions of emotional energy, also referred to as light/written codes.
The Linguistics of Light Language is the practice of vocal/sound techniques that can be used to assist with receiving codes and remembrance activation. The broad term to cover all of these would be – Soul Language.

Your Light Language is the expression of your Souls Frequency and in whichever shape or form it presents the most, will be directly related to where you find the most joy in your expression. Light Language can have many forms but in this session we will mainly focus on the following, verbal/vocal/sound Light language codes, Flow or movement Light Language Codes, written/image codes, and number codes.

Types of Light Languages & Their Uses

Verbal/Vocal/Sound/Sung Light Language – Frequential Universal Telepathic Communication, Sound Codes and/or Audible Telepathy – to assist with moving and attuning energy, data communication, sending and receiving information and remembrance, shifting energies via zero point balancing – bridge communication to full Telepathy.

Hand Gestures/Mudras/movement/Flow Codes – Movement and Flow Codes – to assist with moving and attuning energy. Telepathy – to assist with data communication, sending and receiving information and remembrance, shifting energies – bridge communication to full Telepathy.

Written, Image Light Codes – Written codes are beautifully received through our eyes, Telepathy – to assist with data communication, sending and receiving information and remembrance, shifting energies – bridge communication to full Telepathy.

Number Codes – repeating numbers and numbers in specific patterns are the expression of attuning vibrational frequency into energetic experiences. The true use of numbers is to act as codes to attune frequency and is a universal inheritance.

Soul Language energetically carries data through these various expressions. Soul Language is the Language of feeling that can be expressed in many various different forms, there are many many ways to express Soul Language but for the purposes of this session we will be focussing mainly on vocal Sound Code expression and on the hand/movement and written expressions.

Energy, Frequency and Vibration

In our experience here, we are called ‘people’ but here is an interesting fact about our language and the meaning of the word ‘person’. ‘Per’ in its meaning means ‘of’ and ‘son’ derives from the word ‘sonic’, which means sound or sound wave. So in its complete meaning the word person means
“of Sound” which is ultimately frequency. So in truth we are truly beings of Sound and not light. Frequency vibrates at specific resonances that create color which we call the light spectrum which then forms and creates the physical matter that we experience. So in essence Verbal/Sound Light Language in most accurate terms is Frequency Communication or Sound Codes.

These frequencies exist within everything and everywhere within the images we perceive as our experiences and therefore also within the entire quantum field. Everything holds a frequency and settles at a vibrational rate through energy in motion. The energy in motion moves at the vibrational rate that the frequency is attuned to, or in more understandable terms, what we “choose” for and where we direct our awareness.

It is like tuning into a specific radio station. If you are tuned into a station that plays a song that activates emotions (movement of energy) through its
vibrational rate of the specific frequency, you experience remembrance of your experience existing in a specific memory within your subconscious mind or quantum field.

This results in a variety of neural connections bringing the awareness of the energy in motion vibrating at the frequency of the memories and therefore you enjoy the song and remember the experiences attached to it, The experience creates: flow and movement. This is the natural state of energy, it always aims to move and flow, expand, contract and ever change. If you tune into a channel that plays a song that does not resonate, the experience creates “less flow”. This is what we find in our experiences here in many cases.

Due to the dual aspect of the experience and the chosen frequency of experience that your soul desires to experience, we often experience “Less Flow” experiences because we focus on what we do not choose to experience. This can be a good indication of a redirection your Soul is directing you towards.

Our Soul’s innate desire is to always expand, grow and flow therefore intentionally tapping into the channel of your Soul, or that which you Love and
enjoy, moves us towards the soul’s true desired experience. The energy that drives Vibrational Frequency is your awareness and choices, or
thoughts and Intentions. This creates belief, and the belief determines the frequency the energy vibrates at, when the energy vibrates at a specific
frequency, that creates the energy in a specific motion which is then experienced through emotion. Every experience carries an emotion, therefore when you listen to that favorite song on the radio, you feel happy.

The emotion triggers remembrance of similar experiences you have had through your Subconscious memory in this lifetime or beyond. The emotion also triggers the remembrance of that which you choose to create. This is what we refer to as Soul Recognition or resonating with energy in motion at a Soul Level. If we are of Sound then where and how does everything truly start? Why does the choices and Intentions drive the Vibrational Frequency of the energy in motion? This is the beauty of it all. In our Zero point Frequency of wholeness, they all equal each other.

Ever heard the term, As above so below. We are currently in the experience of light frequency experience or what can be seen as the below experience, all the images you see are made up of a specific Vibrational Frequency forming images from frequency into light Energy, so therefore light needs to drive the frequency from our experience because we are harmonizing from below to above but truly into the center.

When they are all harmonised and come into the zero point frequency; energy, frequency and vibration are equal and no polar opposites exist. As they come into an equal state of equilibrium, they form from a separated state into a unified state or a wholeness, therefore operating from this Neutral Frequency naturally creates experiences that represent wholeness. Example: a healthy body etc.

Why allow the expression of your Soul Language and what are the

When we use our Soul Language we allow the expression of our Soul’s Natural Frequency and choice of experience in whichever form but ultimately when we use our soul language we use it from our Zero Point frequency, unifying all into wholeness.

Ever heard of flow state? Flow state is the experience of expression where you experience complete flow towards what you are immersed in It’s almost like being suspended within the experience where no time exists, just the natural flow towards what you are experiencing in the moment, this is flowing through your zero point frequency in complete non resistance of what you choose to create.

This creates the unification of complete attunement of frequency within the vibrational chosen energy. When we unify through into our Soul’s Frequency, we can understand the laws of the Universe, the different experiences and their relevance, and ultimately embody into the perspective of our Neutral Source Energy.

The benefits are endless when expressing your soul language, but to name a few would be:
● To allow yourself to be yourself
● Living your Purpose
● Allowing yourself to express your soul’s frequency is a service to yourself and others, because when you show up authentically to yourself you automatically create the experience and energy where others would feel drawn to remember their own authenticity.

Communication & Linguistics: Understanding the communication within the 3 dimensional Experience

Coming back to our Perspective here to understand the workings of Soul Language: Our English language is an expression or form of communication that exists within the physical experience of the third dimension. However, language or communication can also be expressed as a fourth, fifth, and ‘beyond’ dimensional language through certain frequencies and sounds.

When we move into the fifth-dimensional experience/heart frequency and higher, which is truly perspective and not necessarily a different place, or also known as the sixth-dimensional and higher conscious perspective, communication becomes so expanded that it is no longer audible in the same
sense regarding what we understand as communication in the third dimension.
This is what is referred to as telepathy or telepathic sensing or frequency communication.

The frequency of telepathy vibrates at a frequency that exists within a perspective that is not experienced in the way we understand communication within the third dimension. It can only be felt or known. Communication exists within everything seen and unseen, and therefore tapping into your Soul language and what you love the most connects you to the existence of all communication in everything. This is known as Telepathy, and using your Soul Language creates a bridge into multidimensional communication, and the type of communication
that we learn as we expand.

When you hear someone speak Soul Language, it does and can sound like jumbled-up sounds in the third-dimensional experience, specifically because the speaker communicates through frequency from the intended feelings or vibrational frequencies from these unified dimensional aspects that exist within all of us to bring harmonization toward and through the zero point. These frequencies can somewhat be translated into English but in a limited sense. The best comparison that can be made with the difference in communication is this; one frequency or sound/movement through Soul Language when compared to an English word can translate into an entire book of information. For example, the information I am writing down in this document came through in this way. I intended the question to best describe Light Language. Through intention and telepathic sensing, frequential pitches are received through my inner ear; it is then translated into the most accurate descriptions in our language.

This is the same for anyone communicating/expressing through Soul Language. When an intention/choice is set, the frequencies are received through
the person to move the energy to a specific vibrational frequency of that intention. In this case, I created a document to help you understand.
In other cases, you might speak to the cells in your body to move them out of disease (or dis-ease) into a specific alignment or vibration via the zero point into what then enables your experience of ease and peace, wholeness, or alignment and balance within the energy centers of the body.
So, back to the question “Why speak or move into Soul Language”? It is a natural expansion in your evolutionary growth and when choosing to have different experiences and grow through the current experience of the third-dimensional perspective.

Is Soul Language and Linguistics a New Thing?

No, Soul Language has always existed. It is just that we are now starting to move into the awareness of it. We are currently in a Soul experience where we experience a collective desire or intention to expand our expression in a group experience and also at the same time individually. It is important to understand that Soul Language is not just vocal, the vocal expression of Soul Language is just one form of it. Some might communicate in soul language in a vocal form where others might choose other ways.

Here are some examples. Someone who dances through passion and enjoyment, is expressing Soul Language. Someone who sings a song of any form, be it in any language is expressing Soul Language. A person who expresses the flow of joy, harmony, peace or passion, is expressing Soul Language.

An artist that creates a painting is expressing Soul Language. Moving energy with your hands (like Reiki), Thai Chi, playing drums, tapping, just playing your favorite instrument and flowing with it. These are just a few examples of expression of expansive Soul Language.

Our opposite polarity is also an expression of Soul Language. Anger, fear, guilt and so on, these might be seen as less desirable but it is also a valid expression of Light in our experience as humans. I like to refer to it as just another frequency of light or the canvas of opportunity to learn to create.

Therefore, we can say, everything is Soul Language or Frequency, energy and vibration, the only difference now is that we are intentionally learning to express the experiences we desire. Instead of thinking what we desire in the known sense, we feel what we desire without the meanings that are attached to the words we are familiar with in our three dimensional languages.

We create and move energy into the desired frequency from its origin point, which is neutrality or unconditional Love. For many it’s through moving energy through multidimensional communication (Soul Sound Language/Telepathic Frequency Communication) with intention, and for many it is through whatever they gravitate towards or what feels more flowing to them through the limitless experience of Neutrality. We are expanding inwards, where we desire to express our Souls desires through growth, therefore expressing ourselves through the creator beings that we are.

As a collective we seek the same experience our Souls seek, which is flow, movement and expansion of our energies. Because we desire this, we automatically aim to align ourselves to this desire, which involves the intentions to towards wholeness, balance, align and ultimately create these experiences, because in true sense we are all completely viewing from a neutral perspective.

We have now simply stepped into the awareness of balance, bringing our negative polarities in, along with our positive polarities and we are able to use the negative expression as a template to recreate both negative and positive from a neutral or unconditional perspective or intention, therefore accepting how incredibly valuable both expressions are. If we did not have the negative polarity, we would not have a canvas to create the healing or, remembrance of wholeness, of those aspects, to create a balance.

This is what is so amazing about Soul Language. When you start expanding into it, it ultimately teaches you about vibration, frequency and energy as the essence of our Soul. And we are the ones choosing the expression of dimming the light up and down, left and right, or just finding that perfect brightness to shine all of the aspects into view and therefore knowing its entirety of total expression. So ultimately it brings you to the understanding of unconditional Love and what it means to be a creator.

Who Activates your Light Language?

No-one but yourself, everything is consciousness and holds the memory of neutrality and has sovereignty therefore this is something only you can decide. As a Facilitator I can simply act as a bridge to help you remember your Soul Language and we create an harmonic resonance together within the frequency of Source as a whole and therefore dance or move together when you choose to remember. It’s almost like a synchronistic dance. I help you remember what it is, and I show you techniques to activate it yourself.

If you do choose to receive support to activate your Light Language, then reach out, I will drop some links below, it is my absolute passion!

How to explore a Light Language Self Remembrance Activation Session – Here you can explore the different Sessions I do

If you choose to utilise Light Language to support yourself in remembering your soul’s blue prints and embodying your soul purpose along with 100s of other tools to help you actualise your mission into this world – click here to apply for a call and explore working with us in the Soul Embodiment Masterclass with Quantum Shift Exploration and the Reality Creation Process.

In the meantime, here is a link to learn more to my YouTube channel: Quantum Shift Aela Lee

Light Language Music and Frequencies streaming on all Platforms – Aela Lee Music

Join a community of Like minded People – The Lightworkers Worldwide – Etayowa.Life Platform – A Place for all that is Love and All that is Life

Best and Most Loving Regards

Aela Lee

Light Language is the energetic facilitation of moving vibrational frequency with intention.
Your Light Language is the expression of your Soul's Frequency.
Soul Language energetically carries data through various expressions.

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