The Awakening Begins


Embody Your Higher Self

We are a collective of consciousness innovators and pioneers, dedicated to creating positive impact in the world.
Founder & Director


We grow and co-create conscious projects for the betterment of all life

We support the growth and launch of life changing projects, initiatives, products and services which improve the lives of people everywhere on the planet. We are committed to only building that which benefits all life!


We connect conscious projects to cultivate co-creation & community

We believe good ideas which benefit humanity as a whole should be front and center. Our teams connect and scale our clients conscious projects with marketing strategies, optimized infrastructure and creative content support.


We support conscious initiatives that create planetary impact

We believe that the impact of an idea is the measure of it’s success. We are committed to supporting those we work with to create planetary level impact through a connected and empowered community of inspired minds!

How we do it

It Starts with a Purpose

Our Vision is Simple

To support those who love and love enough to remind those who have forgotten how to love, to love themselves again. We hold a vision of a more perfect world, founded in love and trust for ourselves and each other. A world where humanity can co-create in harmony, building a vibrant and fulfilling future for ourselves, our children, and generations to come. Our mission is to support the success of projects, businesses, initiatives, products, and services which move humanity a step in the direction of worldwide peace and joy.

Connecting the Keys to the Dreamer

The Connection

When visionaries and leaders who share a common goal are connected with each other and supported with resources to scale their businesses, projects, initiatives, products, and services, true impact can occur. The impact of quality, life-changing products and services touches the lives of every person involved personally in their own lives and rippling into the world at large, shifting all of us towards a future defined by peace, connection, love, and a common goal to truly live the lives we love fulfilling our true purpose.

From a Dream to Reality

The Impact

Our network is supported with a wealth of training resources and technology infrastructure to design, host, launch, and scale any project. Guided by the support of our coaches and mentors and the full support of sales, enrollment, and marketing teams built to scale, alongside a thriving community of leaders and creators who hold a common vision, we support those who work with us and their clients in achieving unparalleled results both in their personal lives and in their business as they work to transform the world one individual at a time!

Official Blog of The Collective Planetary Impact Network

From The Blog


Understanding True Protection

In our spiritual journey, the concept of protection often becomes a double-edged sword. For many, the instinct to protect arises from fear—the fear of being

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Members of The Collective Planetary Impact Network

Our Network

Your Reality Creation Process (RCP) is the process through which we each create our individual and collective experience of reality. RCP is a journey to embody your souls mission and purpose, creating a life you love as the Super Conscious You by tapping into the knowledge and power within the original blueprint of your Nine Chakra System.
Quantum Shift Exploration (QSE) is a journey into authentic expression by exploring the power of the Quantum Field within you. Allowing you to discover and remember your whole original self, receiving guidance to create a Quantum Shift through any energy or obstacle by communicating with your Source Self!

Divine Nation Ascension (DNA) is a method of divination using tarot and oracle that works in combination with The RCP & QSE. Divination is used to help you see what may be obscured from your field of perception and is designed to shift you into a place of full self empowerment creating a shift in perception and an instant alignment as you step fully into a life you love!

We firmly believe that our purpose on Earth is to savor life’s joys while learning from our diverse experiences, fostering self-healing along the way. Vibrational Distance Healing draws on a diverse range of healing modalities harnessing vibrations, including Reiki, Sound Healing, gamma frequencies, and more, to accompany you on your journey of remembering your wholeness!
Your relationship with your breath directly impacts your experience and quality of life. Becoming conscious of how you breath will elevate you to be fully aware of your thoughts and emotions, discovering how they affect your life. Embark on a journey to reconnect with your breath creating a life that you love, experiencing all the love, joy, excitement and creativity that is waiting to be unleashed!
By tapping into your energy field, Estelle see’s your unique energy pattern as your chakras appears to her in as an image. She flows with the guidance of your energy to work on each chakra, restoring it to its beautiful original state, shifting any imbalances that appear to her. She ensures that your chakra system is fully flowing your energy from the Galactic Chakra to the Earth Star Chakra!
Being in conflict or resistance with your Souls true nature and purpose leads to the creation of negative patterns or self sabotage which shows up through dis-ease – physically, mentally, or spiritually. Gale uses Kinesiology & Energy work including Reiki & RCP bringing you the tools to discover the root cause of dis-ease, finding the “corrections” required to Align, Shift and Balance.

We Are One

We are the awakened dreamers...
Awake within the dream

It all starts with a dream. A image, thought, feeling or desire in the heart.

What is your dream?

We believe the most perfect dreams should be realized and actualized into reality. We are a collective of high-performance, highly skilled individuals who are empowering the dreams of a more perfect world.

Founded by Josiah McCampbell, Maraea Davies & Lenelda Loedolff in 2021 with a collective of New Earth way showers, we are now operating our network of resources and supporting the dreams of creators worldwide!

What will you choose to dream?