Unlock the Power of 396Hz & 432Hz: Lemurian Wisdom for Grounding and Expansion

The Power of 396hz and 432hz is almost impossible to explain, working with these frequencies can only be felt and cultivated through your own experience. This Frequency was one of the very first frequencies I created and recorded, here is the link to the original version: Nature’s Night (Lemurian Frequency)

The below version of the frequency was later created as an extended version for the 13 Week QSE & RCP Masterclass Root Chakra Integration Session. Both versions are unique and are focused on the Root Chakra, they are both sung and written in 396hz and tuned to 432hz. 

Here are the Benefits of 396Hz Frequencies:

  • It focussed on Integrating Fear and Guilt:
    • 396Hz helps to transmute fear-based emotions and guilt, allowing individuals to integrate deeply held and hurtful negative feelings that can create challenges in personal growth.
  • 396hz is amazing for Grounding and Root Chakra Activation:
    • The vibrations of 396hz  frequencies resonates with the Root Chakra, supporting grounding, stability, and security in one’s physical and energetic body.
  • Liberating Emotional Trauma:
    • 396Hz can help individuals process and integrate emotional trauma, especially those connected to feelings of unworthiness, shame, or lack of safety.
  • Cultivates Courage and Strength:
    • It generates inner strength and courage, empowering individuals to face challenges with confidence and resilience.
  • Creates Joy and Peace:
    • This frequency encourages the integration of past burdens, making space to focus your energy into a greater sense of peace and joy.
  • Energy Detoxification:
    • 396Hz works to regenerate energy from the lower chakras, enhancing the body’s energy centers and restoring natural flow.
  • Creates Calmness and Ease
    • Its takes Anxiety – which is “fear of the future” and integrates it gently into calmness, peace, joy and ease.

Benefits of 432Hz Tuning:

432Hz is considered the natural tuning frequency of the universe, and here are some of its benefits:

  1. Harmony with Nature:
    • The 432Hz frequency is said to resonate with the Earth’s natural frequency, creating a deeper connection with nature, enhancing grounding, and aligning with universal rhythms.
  2. Emotional and Mental Clarity:
    • Music tuned to 432Hz can help clear mental fog and enhance emotional clarity, providing balance and peace of mind.
  3. Cellular and DNA Repair:
    • It is believed that 432Hz can assist with cellular healing and DNA repair, aligning the body’s natural frequencies for optimal health and well-being.
  4. Enhanced Creativity and Intuition:
    • 432Hz encourages flow states, supporting creativity and intuitive thinking by harmonizing the mind and body creating Brain and Heart coherence. 
  5. Deep Relaxation:
    • This frequency promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress, making it ideal for meditation, healing practices, and stress relief.
  6. Heart Chakra Alignment:
    • 432Hz is also associated with the Heart Chakra, opening the heart to love, compassion, and deeper emotional connections.

About the Lemurians:

The Lemurians is an ancient civilization that existed on Earth well before recorded history. They existed as a civilization that branched of from the Original Race, focussed on preserving the original ways that the planet was originally created for, a sort of a vacation planet.  

They were highly evolved beings, and had their full DNA Template activated. They were known for their deep spiritual wisdom, advanced energy healing techniques with crystals and plants, and their deep harmonious connection to nature and the Earth.

Lemurian Beings were not male or female, they had the physical characteristics of both sexes, meaning they were androgynous beings. 

Lemurians were deeply connected to the Earth’s energy grid, understanding the subtle vibrations of the planet and using this knowledge to live in harmony with nature.

Due to their deep connection with earth the Lemurians embedded their knowledge and wisdom into crystals, particularly Lemurian Seed Crystals, like Lemurian Quartz, these crystals are known to be technological devices rather that simple minerals. These crystals help activate spiritual memory and unlock original consciousness when placed back into the earth’s grid by Lightworkers.

Lemurians were highly compassionate and heart-centered beings, who lived in unity with each other, the planet, and the cosmos. They embodied unconditional love, peace, and harmony although they understood the choice for life in that both polarities can be experienced.

The Lemurians had 2 different branches, which remained connected but chosen as individual experiences, one part of society joined the inner earth experience while another part of society remained on the surface of the earth, the societies that remained on the surface had two specific locations where they resided, 1. on a continent in the pacific (known as Lemuria today) and another on a continent in the Indian ocean (known as Mu), their purpose for living in these areas where to assist and provide the knowledge and wisdom from the “Original Race” to those who chose to remember. 

The Lemurians were believed to use advanced spiritual technologies, working with sound frequencies and energy fields to heal and manifest.

The Lemurians left behind their wisdom to help future generations, and their energy can still be accessed through meditation, crystals, and tuning into our inherit consciousness. Many people today, are direct descendants of Lemurians.

About the Frequency:

Nature’s Night Root Expansion (Lemurian Frequency) was one of the first songs I recorded, and it holds a special place in my heart. The Light Language weaves together the ancient wisdom of the Lemurians and the grounding energy of 396Hz and 432Hz frequencies, creating a soundscape designed to connect you with the Earth’s energy while expanding your consciousness. 

The night sounds in this song was recorded at Adam’s Calendar, in Nelspruit South Africa at a very special location called Gaia’s Grace. Gaia’s Grace is rural food farm and the owners of this special place built the layout of the farm according to the Pleiades constellation. 

Adam’s Calendar is also known to be the Earth Star Chakra of the planet and holds incredible history involving the Sumerians and the story of Enlil and Enki, all going back over 75000 years. In the valley at Adam’s Calendar, there are multiple pyramids that are hidden in plain sight and multiple of the entrances lead directly into inner earth, of course these entrances pose as nuclear power stations, as well as private property owned my xxx institutions.  If you would like to discover more about Adam’s Calendar – there is a short Vlog on my You Tube Channel about this Sacred Area as we were placing Lemurian Quartz back into the grid, you can watch is HERE.

When creating this frequency I focussed on 396Hz frequencies and harmonies because it tangibly connects with the Root Chakra and is known for its ability to integrate fear and guilt while activating the Root Chakra’s Original Capabilities. 

Nature’s Night, is a grounding frequency and invites you to feel a deeper connection to the Earth and your own physical body. As the Root Chakra aligns, you’ll notice feelings of safety and security arise, allowing you to integrate any emotional energy you may have been carrying.

This frequency acts like a detox for the energetic body, promoting the free flow of energy. As you listen, allow yourself to integrate any fears and embrace the courage and confidence the 396Hz frequency in combination with the Lemurian Light Language brings.

432Hz is often called the “frequency of nature,” and it’s tuned to the universe’s natural rhythm. This frequency is woven into the music to harmonize your energy with the Earth, helping you find emotional balance and mental clarity. When you listen, you may notice how deeply relaxing this tuning is, as it encourages your mind to quiet and your heart to open.

The 432Hz frequency supports cellular regeneration and DNA Template Activation, which is why it’s used in meditative and healing practices around the world. By tuning into this frequency, you’re aligning with the heart-centered wisdom of the Lemurians and connecting to a more expansive, intuitive version of yourself.

The inspiration for this song came from connecting to the Lemurians in meditation and while using Light Language. In Nature’s Night, the music calls upon their wisdom, inviting you to tap into a higher state of awareness while staying grounded in the Earth’s energy. As you listen to this track, imagine their energy infusing each note, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and your connection to the universe.

How to Work with this Frequency

When you listen to Nature’s Night: Lemurian Root Expansion, I invite you to create a sacred space where you can fully immerse yourself in the experience. Whether you are meditating, doing breathwork, or simply relaxing, let the frequencies guide you into a state of peace and grounding. Tune into the energy of the Lemurians. Feel their wisdom flowing through the music, connecting you to the Earth while expanding your spiritual awareness. Allow these frequencies to activate your Root Chakra and open your heart, creating a balance between grounding and expansion.

You can find all my music published on all streaming platforms: Aela Lee Music

Want to connect and be part of something bigger: LIGHTWORKERS WORLDWIDE – The ETAYOWA.LIFE Platform – A place for all that is Love and all that is Life

Learn more about the classes and workshops we do each week – HERE


Enjoy and Lots of Love

Aela Lee

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