Awaken Your Sacral Energy with 417hz and step into the Harmonics of Creation using your Creative Force

Benefits of 417Hz Frequencies:

  1. Facilitates Energy Realignment:
    • 417Hz is a powerful frequency that assists in harmonizing the sacral energy. It supports the gentle and harmonious integration of creative and emotional energies into unification.
  2. Sacral Chakra Activation:
    • Specifically attuned to the sacral chakra, this frequency supports integration and activation of the creative force energy. It initiates a creative flow, allowing creativity and emotional well-being to be fully embraced through joy and peace.
  3. Emotional and Energetic Integration:
    • Rather than focusing on releasing, 417Hz guides the energy of past experiences, emotions, and creative blocks into a state of integrated harmony. It helps individuals harmonise their past with their present, encouraging wholeness.
  4. Co-Creating New Beginnings:
    • 417Hz supports the integration of shifts and transformations, aligning individuals with the energy of new beginnings. By harmonizing energy patterns, it empowers one to step into a new phase of their creative and personal journey.
  5. Empowerment Through Emotional Awareness:
    • By integrating the energy within the sacral chakra, this frequency fosters emotional balance, supporting one’s ability to acknowledge, feel, and embrace their emotional truth, thereby integrating it into their overall energy field.
  6. Creates Space for Expanded Awareness:
    • 417Hz opens and expands one’s awareness of the creative potential that exists within. It aligns the energetic body with the universe’s co-creative forces, allowing individuals to manifest their desires in alignment with their Source Self.

Sacral Symphony – The Harmonics of Creation 417hz Pleiadian Frequency and Light Language

In the journey of integration and expansion, music becomes a powerful tool to align and harmonize our energy fields. Sacral Symphony was specifically designed for the Sacral Chakra Integration session in the 13 Week QSE & RCP Masterclass, it was is also used to notify people of the incredible 7 Day Manifest your Maximum Motivation Challenge with Aarun-Josiah. The frequency has a base layer pure tone of 417hz and is sung in 417hz and harmonies, it was created to support the integration of creative and emotional energies.

Connecting with Aela: Co-Creating Frequencies of Expansion

When I create music, I connect with the Pleiadian aspect in my quantum field called Aela – pronounced Ah-ela, in English we pronounce it like you would say Island with a silent S, so I(s)la. Through this connection, I tune into the frequencies, notes, and vibrations that are necessary to bring remembrance and expansion into the experience of those who listen. For Sacral Symphony, I focused on the sacral chakra, tuning into the creative force energy that lives within us all.

By aligning with Aela, I allow the necessary frequencies to flow through, creating a harmonious blend of sounds that co-create a sense of expansion, balance, and integration. The 417Hz frequency, specifically channeled for this track, is designed to guide listeners into the integration of their sacral energy, allowing them to reconnect with their creative potential.

The 417Hz frequency is all about integration. It creates a space for deep inner reflection and supports aligning past experiences and emotions with one’s present energy field of choice. This frequency helps individuals connect with their sacral chakra, which governs creativity, sensuality, and emotional flow.

The Essence of 417Hz and Harmonizing the Sacral Chakra

By listening to Sacral Symphony, I invite you to integrate and connect with your creative force energy in a way that feels harmonious and balanced. The sacral chakra is represented by the colors of copper and orange, and this frequency gently guides the energetic body into attuning with these vibrations.

The binaural effect of the music, sometimes referred to as 8D Infinity music moves between left and right ears, supports the theta brainwave state, allowing you to reach a meditative space where deep integration can occur. This integration is not just about emotional or energetic integration—it’s about fully embracing and co-creating with the energy that resides in the sacral chakra through choice.

One of the most powerful aspects of 417Hz is its ability to co-create new beginnings. It’s not about leaving the past behind but about integrating what you’ve experienced into your current energetic framework, allowing it to fuel new possibilities and expansion.

The sacral chakra is the seat of creative power. As we integrate the energy within this chakra, we allow our creative force to move through us, aligning with our Source Self. This process opens us to new ideas, projects, and emotional breakthroughs that are deeply aligned with our highest potential.

Using this frequency and Co-creating new beginnings

In Sacral Symphony, the 417Hz frequency serves as an energetic bridge that connects you to your creative force. It provides the opportunity to harmonize emotions and experiences in a way that brings clarity, harmony, and empowerment. This Frequency is 9 min and 36 seconds in length to support in connecting with the essence of 3, 6, and 9, the language of the Universe – Energy, Frequency and Vibration. This frequency can also be used as a visual meditation with eyes open provided through the video below or simply by using the audio on streaming Platforms.

How to Work with This Frequency

When listening to Sacral Symphony, I encourage you to find a quiet space where you can fully immerse yourself in the soundscape. The 417Hz frequency will guide you into a state of integration, helping you align with your sacral chakra and creative energy.

Allow yourself to visualize the copper and orange tones of the sacral chakra swirling around you, gently harmonizing your energy as the music moves between your left and right ears. Feel the creative energy flowing through you, integrating with every part of your being, and inviting new possibilities into your life.

Use this frequency as a tool for creative awakening. Whether you are an artist, writer, healer, or simply someone seeking deeper alignment with your emotions, 417Hz can guide you into a state of flow and expansion.

Discover the Meditation Library at the Lightworkers Worldwide – Etayowa.Life Platform – A Place for all that is Love and all that is Life

Explore some of the Workshops and Masterclass’ we have this week

If you choose to utilise Light Language and frequencies to support yourself in remembering your soul’s blue prints and embodying your soul purpose along with 100s of other tools to help you actualise your mission into this world – click here to apply for a call and explore working with us in the Soul Embodiment Masterclass with Quantum Shift Exploration and the Reality Creation Process.

It is highly recommended to listen to this Frequency with Headphones

Enjoy and Lots of Love to Everyone

Aela Lee

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