174hz & 285hz Pain Relief and Cell Regeneration Frequencies

Remembering Andromeda – Light Language Frequency – Aela Lee Music

When creating this frequency, this is the information that was received about 174hz & 285hz and how we can use these frequencies as tools to support Healing.

Initially my intention for this frequency was to create it in support of a family member that received communication from her body through severe pain. When pain is received as a form of communication, it communicates something very specific with regards to support you in your journey to help you integrate specific energies that are in fact choosing to experience ease and comfortability. Notice where you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your body, and ask your body, what are you communicating to me with an energy of curiosity and discovery? 

Allow yourself to have a conversation with the part of your body and the pain, and invite it to tell you everything it wants to say, invite it to communicate with you in a safe and supported space where there is ease and comfort. When we allow experiences like pain, that can get very loud in our lives sometimes, the space to express, we can discover why it is present, and then we can take aligned action to allow ourselves the awareness to express the pain in a different way, a way that is comfortable and experienced with ease. 

Here is an example: Maybe you experience pain in your back, what if your back and the pain is communicating to you that you are carrying all the weight that could be set down, weight that is no longer necessary to carry, weight that is communicating that you can now in fact choose to allow yourself to walk with ease in a life you desire, it only takes a choice that is wholly accepted. 

The frequency of 174hz is supportive in the resonant frequency that pain communicates and vibrates in, use these frequencies to match the frequency of the pain and meet it in neutrality and unconditional Love, 285hz is a resonant frequency that vibrates to restore and regenerate cells, muscles, tendons and tissues in their optimal function. 

The Andromedan Light Language in this frequency communicates with the pain, the cells, muscles, tendons and fibres to dance together in wholeness, to remember their wholeness and to allow the validity of the communication. Everything we always experience, is present for a reason, it is a pre-sent experience to create the present desire of choice, and the communication always comes to one happy realisation, that we can always choose again. 

Sit and practice with this frequency in meditation and truly allow yourself to receive, understand, see the validity and integrate the new choice of experience. You are so powerful and you can create Miracles.

If you choose to utilise Light Language to support yourself in remembering your soul’s blue prints and embodying your soul purpose along with 100s of other tools to help you actualise your mission into this world – click here to apply for a call and explore working with us in the Soul Embodiment Masterclass with Quantum Shift Exploration and the Reality Creation Process.

You can find all my music published on all streaming platforms: Aela Lee Music

Come and be part of something bigger: LIGHTWORKERS WORLDWIDE – The ETAYOWA.LIFE Platform – A place for all that is Love and all that is Life

Learn more about the classes we do each week – HERE

Headphones are recommended when listening to this Frequency.

Best and Loving Regards

Aela Lee

Pain communicates something specific; discover what your body wants to tell you.
174hz meets pain with love; 285hz regenerates cells, restoring wholeness.
Every experience is a 'pre-sent' gift to create your desired present reality.

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